1. Minimize Interruptions
We are constantly bombarded by emails, ringing phones, text messages that reek havoc on our productivity. When you need to concentrate and focus, find ways to create that space. Put up a "Do Not Disturb" sign on your office door. Turn your cell phone off. Put your phone on silent and put the screen face-down so you can't see texts or notifications. Study after study has shown that we, as humans, are not good at multi-tasking. We think that we are but we are not. These interruptions take us away from the task at hand.
2. Increase Attention Span in 15 Minute Increments
One way to increase attention span and productivity, is to take a "technology break" after 15-minutes of uninterrupted work. Give yourself a study or work break where you can check email, check alerts or texts, after completing 15 minutes of uninterrupted work. Once you master working for 15 minutes at a time, start increasing the time before taking a technology break. Research has shown that taking small breaks allows us to maintain focus.
3. Write Down Your Goals To Boost Productivity
We have all heard that setting goals is important but how to do this can seem elusive. Establishing a habit of writing down your goals can boost performance and productivity. The act of writing down a goal seems to make us accountable to the goal. The act of writing down goals can also help us to become more reflective as we evaluate our goal outcomes and handle problems that may arise.